When you buy an smurf from us,
it will be delivered to you instantly via
email. Our automated systems
work 24/7
We provide a lifetime guarantee and excellent support for all of our smurf accounts. If something happens to your LoL account, you’re covered
by our guarantee!
Our League of Legends smurfs are levelled
by real players using a variety of methods.
This means we have the lowest
ban rate in the industry.
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LifeTime warranty, Unranked Level 30+
Unverified E-mail
LifeTime warranty, Unranked Level 30+
Random Skins, Blue Essence, Riot Points
LifeTime warranty, Unranked Level 30+
Random Skins, Blue Essence, Riot Points
LifeTime warranty, Unranked Level 30+
Random Skins, Blue Essence, Riot Points
You can study the amazing world of LOL,
which in its beauty and complexity is
almost as good as the real world.
The opportunity to buy an account especially helps those who can not devote too much time to the game, but wants to know all of its beauty.
You can safely experiment with
tactics, strategic and characters –
it’s all in your hands.
Getting you purchase is almost instant, and
in a few minutes you can start a completely
new game at any level you like!